XmGoBang - a X11 go bang game

Copyright (C) 1995-2008 by Andreas S. Krebs
- What is XmGoBang?
XmGoBang is a simple board game. The aim is to get 5 stones in a row that's all.
The game algorithm itself is rather simple and was never intended to be any good.
However it seems to play resonable well, so I never bothered to replace it with anything better.
- Why did I write XmGoBang?
I've originally written this five in a row game in 1995 in order to get familiar with motif programming.
I rediscovered it cleaning up some old folders and was quite suprised that it perfectly builds and
runs on my linux box with lesstif. So I decided to release it under the GPL instead of letting it rot
in my hard drive.
Recently I ported it to the Gnome Desktop, for more details see GnoBang.
- What platforms are supported?
Back in 1995 I was able to build it on several Unix systems. However I didn't check anything other than
Linux, so it may no compile out of the box on other systems.
But I guess it should be resonable simple to compile it on other X11/Unix systems as long as LessTif
(or Motif) and libXpm are available.
- Do you still want to know more?
Well here is the README file.
- Do you want to try it yourself?
Go ahead and download xmgobang-0.52.tar.gz. See the README file for build and installation
- What is the License of XmGoBang?
XmGoBang is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
For more details see the GNU General Public License.
- Do you have any comments?
Feel free to send them to xmgobang@sberk.net.